Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Kiss my Audrey Apple Cheeks!

I have to share this cute as a boot website with you.


The jewelllery is especially BOOTIFUL!!!

Now, my cupcake buddy Kate often says I have shiny apple cheeks so as you can imagine I was delighted to come across this Audrey Apple Felt Brooch. Just look at her rosy cheeks and lucious lashes.

I am also quite partial to the custard cream pearl necklace and the penny sweet bracelet. Melvin the Mushroom brooch and the gingerbread men earings being another fave of mine. They are creative and interesting. Not only do I want to eat them, I could stare at them all day.

Its like a little bit of childhood nostalgia, that looks good enough to eat, packaged into jewellary form ready to brighten up any cardi. It is a shame its not a real shop so that you can pick up these near edible goodies and take a bite, but its the scrummiest, yummiest next best thing and you are able to see the products close up as well as get them delivered to your front door without even having to get out of your pjs.

The jewellery on this site is quirky, cute, pink and good enough to eat! I think there is a wide enough selection for all of us girlies to find something, whether it be cutie booty, or rock chick a lick!

I am especially excited by the jewellery but be sure to check out all the other delights this website has to offer!

Fudge Brownie (without the calories) lip gloss....Girls I say no more!


  1. What a delight! Every lip gloss should be flavoured. Can you remember the cupcake dolls that use to smell of cupcakes? Her dress was made from concertinaed rubber and could turn inside out. So you could have her wearing the dress or fold it back and she was sat in a cupcake!

  2. I would adore a dress for myslef that smelt of cupcake!
